News | Training and performances April 1, 2019

Fabio Aru undergoes successful operation

The UAE Team Emirates cyclist operated on today in Prato, Italy

Fabio Aru underwent surgery today in Nuovo Ospedale-Santo Stefano in Prato, near Florence, Italy – an angioplasty of his iliac artery that included a vascular stent.


The operation, performed by Dr. Andrea Gori, was aimed at solving a constriction of the iliac artery in Aru’s left leg. It prevented an adequate blood supply maximum efforts.


The intervention consisted of placing a special balloon catheter inside the artery, using a minimal invasive technique, in order to restore the lumen (the central cavity of the vessel). It was completed with a stent, or a cylindrical metal piece that keeps the lumen open.


The procedure went ahead without problems and the Sardinian cyclist will be able to leave the hospital in the next days.